Georg Buchner was born in Ampfling, Germany on 10 April 1858. Contrary to his parents’ ambition that he become a priest, he chose to pursue his artistic ambitions and took preliminary drawing classes at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich. In 1880 he enrolled at the Akademie der Bildende Künste to study painting and afterwards set up a studio in Munich, becoming known as a genre painter and illustrator. He began his illustration career with the 'Fliegenden Blätter' magazine, published in Munich, subsequently specialising in portrait painting from the 1890s. His works were exhibited in the Salons of Munich and Berlin. Later, he abandoned the conservative academic style and was among the founding members of the Munich Secession group. He died in Munich on 12 August 1914 from an infection after gastric surgery. A retrospective exhibition celebrating the jubilee of his birth was organised in his birth town, Ampfling in 2008.